December 04, 2017
Benefits of Glutamine
It doesn’t matter if you’re an elite professional athlete or a weekend warrior who quarterbacks the family Thanksgiving flag football game – glutamine belongs in your arsenal of supplements. Glutamine is one of the safest and most popular supplements available for improving athletic performance, and it’s a relatively inexpensive, highly effective addition to your regimen. If you’re not familiar with glutamine already, get ready for a quick physiology lesson.
Glutamine also helps to increase insulin levels. By providing increased levels of this important chemical messenger, glutamine can allow for more efficient use of carbohydrates and other nutrients in the body during exercise. Additionally, if you have type 2 diabetes, glutamine has been linked to improved glycemic control, fewer cases of post-meal hyperglycemia, and decreased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
What is Glutamine?
Glutamine is an amino acid – one of the 20 “building blocks” of proteins found in the human body. It is present in a higher ratio in muscle and blood than any other amino acid. Glutamine can be consumed from the diet and supplements, and the human body can even produce its own glutamine. The best dietary sources of glutamine are protein-rich foods such as eggs and meat. However, high-protein foods contain a blend of different amino acids, and it is impossible to guarantee a specific amount or ratio of glutamine compared to other amino acids. When you choose to consume a high-quality glutamine supplement, you can be confident that you are getting exactly what you need. Glutamine is one of 6 amino acids classified as “conditionally essential” for humans. This means that although most people can synthesize adequate amounts of glutamine for normal functions, in certain situations, requirements for glutamine increase beyond what can be naturally created by the body. In these situations, such as intense exercise or physical stress, glutamine supplementation is necessary.What Does Glutamine Do?
If amino acids were a baseball team, glutamine would be the utility player covering multiple positions in one game – perhaps not the most glamorous job, but rather a bit of an unsung hero! Glutamine has a variety of functions in the body, including tissue building, hormonal balance, influencing metabolism, and regulating nutrients.What are the Benefits of Glutamine?
Improved Endurance
Even if you’re not a stereotypical endurance athlete (think marathon runner), endurance is still an essential part of your athletic training. As your muscles work, multiple chemical processes take place simultaneously. While each of these processes are vital, they also tend to create chemical byproducts. Typically, the body can handle these byproducts – either by removing them altogether, or by converting them to something more beneficial and useful. However, sometimes the concentration of byproducts becomes so high that they overwhelm the body, causing muscle fatigue and poor athletic performance. Over time, this diminished performance can negatively impact your progress and ability to reach your fitness goals efficiently and effectively. Glutamine supports your body’s regulation of chemical byproducts by allowing it to deal with them more efficiently. One byproduct in particular – ammonia – is produced from protein breakdown and metabolism. Glutamine not only helps to reduce ammonia buildup, but also increases bicarbonate levels, which works as a buffering agent for lactic acid and other compounds. As a result, glutamine allows for improved athletic endurance and overall performance.Improved Glucose Metabolism
Glutamine exerts a significant impact on the way carbohydrates are utilized in the body. More specifically, glutamine can increase the amount of glucose stored in your muscles as glycogen. During high-intensity workouts, glycogen serves as the first (and main) source of energy for muscles. Having the ability to store additional glycogen for use during training is a valuable benefit of glutamine supplementation.