February 05, 2019
Collagen Strawberry Smoothie Recipe
Whether you’ll be the first to admit it and take it in your stride, or you’d rather keep it on the down-low, many of us like to indulge in a milkshake every now and again. They’re refreshing, tasty, and can give you a momentary burst of sugar-fueled energy. The only problem? They’re not exactly healthy, which means that they can seriously put a damper on your diet if you’re trying to watch your intake and meet your nutrient requirements. While packed full of sugar, they’re not always packed full of substance.
Unfortunately, most milkshakes that you can buy in the supermarket are full of added preservatives, flavorings, added sugar and can generally leave you feeling quite sickly after consuming them. They’re not good for your health and the short-lasting indulgence usually isn’t worth it.
Luckily, we have the ideal recipe that will not only give you a sense of childhood nostalgia, it’ll also help you meet your recommended amount of daily protein. Sound too good to be true? The secret is added collagen peptides powder, which is the ingredient that makes all the difference.
This recipe delightfully takes a traditional strawberry milkshake and packs it full of little healthy changes and additions. Not only does it taste great, but it helps you ensure that you’re also staying healthy while being able to enjoy a sweet treat at the same time.
While a lot of us have heard the benefits of getting enough protein, not many actually identify collagen as a protein that they need to get more of. This is because the body naturally produces collagen, but this production decreases with age, so it’s important to be on the lookout for signs that you may be suffering from a lack of it.
If you find yourself experiencing muscle or joint pains, you may be at risk of a collagen deficiency. This also means that you’re going to find it a lot more difficult to burn fat, tone up, and build muscle. Without enough protein in your diet, your body isn’t going to have a sustainable amount of energy to promote muscle growth and tissue recovery after a workout. As well as being left feeling lethargic, weak, and unsatisfied after eating, you’re generally going to struggle to see a progression in your fitness goals if you aren’t fueling your body with the nutrients that it needs. This is why it’s so important to ensure that you’re getting enough of different types of proteins when you’re trying to build muscle, because you’ll be unable to do so if you’re not giving your body the energy that’s required of it. Adding collagen peptides powder into your daily intake is a simple and easy way to ensure that you’re meeting your specific protein requirements.
One of the reasons that we love this recipe is due to the fact that it’s also packed full of Vitamin-C, which is a source of collagen, and antioxidants. It’s also the perfect workout recovery shake as it provides your body with the nutrients it needs to support the recovery of your muscles. What more could you want?

Why a Collagen Shake Recipe?
Before you get started whipping up this delicious milkshake, it’s important to know what collagen does, so we know why we’re adding it and why it’s so important. It’s a nutrient that many of us take for granted and don’t realize just how vital it is to our everyday lives. Collagen is the most abundant structural protein in our bodies and it can be found in everything from your bones and muscles to your blood vessels. As well as being a building block for our muscles themselves, the protein also promotes benefits such as replacing dead skin cells and protecting your organs. While it’s busy making sure that your skin is looking as good as possible, it’s also taking the responsibility of being the glue that holds our bodies together. So, it’s no surprise that the protein is so important to ensure that you’re enough of, considering it’s what keeps us healthy and on our feet.
To make this tasty treat, you’ll need the following:
- 1 cup of frozen strawberries
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 cups of milk (of your choice)
- 1 tbsp. of honey
- 1 scoop of collagen protein peptides powder